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Jae Won Yun
Hee Jung Choi
Hee Jung Choi

Before doing a research about global warming, I had already known about global warming is serious problem for many years.

However, I have never thought about how serious it is and how can we solve it. After finish research, I started to look back my lifestyle and I try to fix some bad habit which cause global warming more serious.  

I learned about the damage and cause of global warming and I will try to minimize the damage by referring to the solutions.

Shin Hye Lee

Before I researched global warming, I did not think about global warming seriously. However, after I researched it, I realized that this situation is very deep problems that everybody should concern about it. I also only knew some of the effects of global warming, but there were a lot of problems and solutions about global warming. We should think very deeply and help to decrease this problems.

Hyun Ji Kim

From this project, I have learnt seriousness of global warming and solving this problem is essential. With people’s concerns for global warming, this problem may be solved or at least not get worse.

Jong Min Roh

After learning about different effects of global warming, I think everyone should realize that global warming is real and we have to take certain actions mentioned above now in order to lessen the effects of global warming.

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